NOVEMBER 16, 2024




Our soulmate is the one
who makes life come to life."

โ€” Toyosi et. Funsho, 2024

Too far to reach us?
Cash gifts are welcome.


There will be partying and there will be cake. Explore to get all the details and a little bit our big day below.

โ€œ2017 in the beginningโ€


My family had just moved to a new church. I wasnโ€™t pleased nor excited about the change, but sixteen-year-old me, who I be? 

Begrudgingly, I started to get involved in youth activities at the church, thanks to the persistence of some of the church big bros. How they knew I could sing, only God knows. I joined the choir and soon became a full-fledged member of the church.

Months went by, and it was December the following year. Spirits were high, carols were being rehearsed. During one of those rehearsals, a very tall guyโ€”at least from where I was seatedโ€”walked in briskly with his friend. “Wow, why is he so tall?” I was caught. And oh, how he could sing! His tenor voice was the most distinctive, a sweet melody to my ears.

Christmas came and went, and so did he. He disappeared.

Until one fateful day in May, he slid into my DMs, surprised at my display picture on Instagram. We cracked jokes and seamlessly moved to chatting on WhatsApp. This boy I had only spent a few hours with, staring at from afar, had become “my padi”, gisting about classes, roommates, food, and everything in between, all day all night.

He was back home in August for one of those long OAU session breaks. We started seeing each other more often now, from church services to youth events and outings, exchanging greetings and glances from afar and then chatting away into the dead of the night. Tensions were rising, and I couldn’t wait for him to ask me already. But oh no, I wouldn’t ask him. No way! I was starting to lose hope; maybe he just doesn’t like me that way. I raised suggestive questions until he finally got the cue asked me to be his girl in October of 2017. I jumped, I screamed, I laughed, I prayed, but I still had to do shakara,  so I kept him waitingโ€”even if it was just for 24 hours.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

โ€œA sliding in Storyโ€


Our meeting was written boldly in the stars, I found love when I wasnโ€™t even searching. She slipped into the crux of my heart before I could even say “Jack.” I was deeply in love, but I didnโ€™t even know it โ€” Enough with the poetry ๐Ÿ˜…. It was late 2016, and I was back home from Uni. I had been an avid youth choir boy before I left for school, so it was only natural to reconnect with the folks. Then, on this fateful day, I saw herโ€”a dazzling, commanding presence, walking in with a majestic air, apparently she was the new Alto girl who had joined in my absence. She had just finished her pre-degree and was now home because Lautech was on strike. As guy man, I kept a straight face and went about the rehearsal session in a normal fashion, ignorant me โ€” unaware of what fate had in store for me ๐Ÿ˜…. Then came May โ€” Instagram brought her profile up on my timeline, and I decided to take a peek into her world. I loved what I saw, though something inside me whispered that this girl had a strong will, and doubt crept inโ€”could I ever be her friend? “She comes off like someone wey no too send”. Nevertheless, I mustered the courage to start a conversation. It was the era of Banky and Adesua, so sliding into the DM was a perfect icebreaker. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

My people, that’s how our story began. We can proudly declare that we are the result of a successful slide. YAAAYYY ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜!!!!

After that, we began chatting as friends. At that point in my life, I wasn’t actively seeking a relationship. Our friendship filled that void, and we connected on so many levels. WhatsApp became our virtual home, and we discussed everything. We discovered numerous shared interests and found a remarkable connection through our conversations alone.

Now, let’s fast forward to this fateful Saturday. We were chatting as usual, and I had always thought that somehow, I would muster the courage to ask her out, but I didn’t know how. One chat led to another, and she, with her metaphors and stories, managed to coax me out of my shell. And somehow, somehow, I finally found the strength to ask her out guys….

The mere thought of receiving a NO filled me with dread, even in my wildest dreams. But ALAS! She responded that she had been jumping up and down, almost on the brink of moving on. (Truly, God is at work in my life ๐Ÿ˜„). She promised to give me an answer the next day. And what an answer it wasโ€”YES! We met that following Sunday, and as they say, the rest is HISTORY!! ๐Ÿ˜…

the proposal


Ah, the greatest challenge anybody could face: going against their own smarts. Let me break it down. How do you plan a proposal for a lady you’ve been dating for over six years, keeping it a secret while ensuring the whole thing pass the vibe check and off course, capturing the essence of our love and relationship, all while being in the same location? Talk about a brain teaser!

Anyhow, I sprang into action, reaching out to the necessary folks and vendors, scouting venues, and getting our logistics in order. In the midst of all this, I masked the planner’s name and even found a sneaky way to disguise the WhatsApp group of the small group of people who were meant to be there, just so this babe wouldn’t catch wind of my grand plan. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sure, she had her suspicions at times, but they were as baseless, and I carried on with my days as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. And then, the big day arrived, and Yes Surprise executed flawlessly! (E patewo fun Tinubu๐Ÿ˜†)


Love with your eyes and it will fade in a year, fall in love with the being beyond the body and you have your sweet ever after

We have weathered our fair share of storms and at every stage, we won together and we came out unscathed. It was a destined meeting and we were fortunate to find our purpose together early on. This love story has been 7 years in the making. Itโ€™s finally time for our happily ever after.๐Ÿ’


Please let us know if you can join us in celebrating. Your presence would mean the world to us. We need you to RSVP by November 1st so we can ensure a seat is reserved for you.